Hospital patient management system.
The patient management system for the ED department at Gorlice Hospital is now operational. We are pleased to announce that as part of the project “Improving the functioning of the infrastructure of the emergency medical system in the Gorlice district through the retrofitting of the Hospital Emergency Department of the Karol Szymanowski Specialized Hospital in Gorlice. Henryka Klimontowicz in Gorlice” our company has implemented a Patient Summoning System based on RFID technologies. Modern paging systems are primarily a way to streamline work in hospitals and other medical facilities.

Using state-of-the-art RFID technology, from the moment a patient is admitted and registered, we can monitor his presence at various stages of his stay in the ward. The patient receives a numbered wristband during registration and is assigned a status in the form of an appropriate color. The state of emergency is a color, the amount of which we determine according to our needs. Patients who are in the waiting room are recorded in real time and with visual and voice information (screen/speaker). The call is made to the appropriate offices, and the opening of the appropriate doors is automatic. The patient does not have to watch his queue and fear that his turn will pass.
Wysoki poziom dyskrecji oraz bezpieczeństwa.
We manage patients from the moment they enter, i.e., registration through service in the doctors’ offices, until they leave. This system is characterized by a high level of discretion and security (protection of personal data). The paging and queue management system is particularly important when a patient goes from the doctor’s office for additional tests and then returns to the office. When he returns, he is automatically added to the queue, so no confusion is created.
Thanks to the RFID system, both the patient receives clear and readable information about the waiting time, the number of the office to which he is to go. The staff has day-to-day control over the patient’s location (waiting areas, surgery, additional examinations). The doctor at each stage has the ability to intervene and change the order of patient recall according to his own needs and priorities.
Korzyści z wdrożenia systemu przywoływania pacjentów:
- Komfort dla pacjenta dzięki bieżącej informacji o szacowanym rzeczywistym czasie oczekiwania i kolejności przyjęć.
- Eliminacja napięć i konfliktów występujących często w kolejkach „tradycyjnych”.
- Usprawnienie pracy oddziału i poprawa jakości obsługi pacjentów.
- Likwidacja błędów ludzkich.
- Lepsza komunikacja i możliwość kontroli przepływu pacjentów (bieżący przepływ danych).